Mimicking Bone Technology:
Stealth Technology for implants
To give the patient best treatment possible and to ensure a life free of pain post-operatively stimOS GmbH has developed a unique biochemical procedure that initiates early and healthy bone formation, gives best anchorage also in osteoporotic bone, and can be described as anti-inflammatory.
The company's mission is to transform implant surfaces from an artificial barrier in the
patient´s body into a bone-identic implant body interface to avoid inflammatory reactions and re-operations.
"We do this because conventional implant materials are not really made to support bone healing, especially not in the case of revisions and with patients with osteoporotic bone." Dietmar Schaffarczyk, CEO of stimOS GmbH.
Implants that do not heal in the patient's body often need to be replaced. These additional procedures are not uncommon and additionally burden the health of the patient, which is already weak: German Society for Implantology reports about 160.000 dental implants that must be replaced per year as they do not heal properly. German AOK states that 40% of all spine surgeries end in a revision. According to the German federal bureau of statistics, more than 16.000 artificial hips and 26.000 artificial knees per year must be re-operated and replaced because the implants do not anchor or heal in properly. This is where the development of stimOS researchers takes place: MBT will be crucial to avoid revisions due to failed operations.
The problem of implant loosening and inflammatory reactions due to inert implant materials is known already for a long time: Until now this problem was not addressed successfully.
MBT will be the game changer.

Impressum / Disclaimer / Datenschutz gemäß DS-GVO
stimOS GmbH
Fritz-Reichle-Ring 2
78315 Radolfzell
Helpline: 0049 160 780 9628
E-Mail: zyk@stimos.net
Vertreten durch:
Geschäftsführer Dietmar Schaffarczyk
Eingetragen im Handelsregister.
Registergericht: Freiburg i. Br.
Registernummer: HRB 713021
DE 300688817
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt (gem. § 55 Abs. 2 RStV):
stimOS GmbH
Bildrechte / Rechte an Texten:
stimOS GmbH (stimos), surgeSupply GmbH (surgesupply) , Dietmar Schaffarczyk (ZYK), Jennifer Knaus (JK), Helmut Cölfen (HC). Autorenrechte gemäß Publikation.